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Hi all! So here’s a few words about who I am and this record I just made called SINISTER!


I’m STAN and I’ve been both a side man and member of a lot of influential Canadian bands. I’m currently a member of Harem Scarem. In the past and I’ve been 'STAN Dwarf' of the Killer Dwarfs and also was a member of Honeymoon Suite for 6 years. Also I’ve been playing bass for Sass Jordan off and on ... mostly on, for the last 21 years.


There’s a lot of other great artists I’ve had the joy of sharing stages with too. I have also been a songwriter but never released my own record, until now.


Every musician like myself who is also a song writer usually has one of two records they go and record. A lot of the time its an eclectic variety of songs accumulated over the years that they finally record and release … OR … it’s a complete new collection of fresh songs that have opened up a new light in their songwriting.  Luckily, mine is the latter!


I started SINISTER as an EP but the songs kept coming so it turned into more of a standard record length release as well as a second record that will be called DEXTER … it's sort of a set, almost like a double album except who has the attention span for all those songs at once? That’s why I’m releasing DEXTER next year … which is almost completely recorded.


I was fortunate to do this record pretty much by myself … by that I mean without any record company assistance. I have a great friend and producer/ engineer Ken O’Gorman who helped me tremendously along the way.  And my drummer Chris McNeill gave me heaps of encouragement and support. But for the most part this record is produced and written and conceived by myself and my own vision…in other words I was lucky enough to make this record MY way and the result is how I wanted it to be. Believe me…that’s a luxury. And it’s not lost on me.


So what you hear is all my musical influences melting into STAN.  People tell me it’s Cheap Trick, The Who, Elvis Costello, Tom Petty and so on … guilty on all counts! I had a mantra … I wasn’t too impressed with the state of rock and roll so I opened up my big mouth and said … well, I guess I’ll just have to do it myself! So then I had to back it up!


Not only did I write the entire thing…with the exception of a co- write of Days Roll On with my good buddy Tom Barlow. But I ended up playing most of the instruments and of course singing the lead vocals. It was just time to do it. And to quote Mr. Sinatra…I did it myyyyyyy way!


I hope you enjoy my brand of rock and roll as much as I did making it.


If you want to see me perform these songs..please buy the record, download it,  and share it with your friends!


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